Before you read...Breath...Breathing is half the battle of everything!
MN Council of Nonprofits
Special Edition MN Grants Directory 2020 | FREE Download
Opportunities Responding to the Impacts of COVID-19 & Disaster Relief
More Resources at MCN
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Trista Harris
"What the world desperately needs now are leaders that can predict and shape the future. Download your FREE copy of her book FutureGood.
Independent Sector
Emergency Aid for Nonprofit Organizations
The charitable sector is on the front lines of addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, but risks catastrophic damage from evaporating revenue, new demands, and major disruptions in charitable giving.
Act Now Tell Your Congress Person
Decolonizing Wealth Project,
in partnership with Native Americans in Philanthropy and the National Urban Indian Family Coalition, has launched a Rapid Response Fund to provide emergency support for the most vulnerable Native American families and communities impacted by COVID-19.
Learn more and consider supporting here today.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
COVID-19 Resource Guide
Creator Fund
MCF and Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund (MDRF)
Community Foundation for Monterey County
Grant For Nonprofits That Serve Those Impacted by COVIDE19
Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity
Bridge Loan For Small Business
Seattle Office of Economic Development
2020 OED Small Business Stabilization Fund
San Francisco Office of Economic & Workforce Development
Financial Relief Grants For Small Business
Community Foundation of Elmira/Corning
Micro Grant For Community Service Projects Benefit People
Scholastic Learn At Home
Free Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country.
Keeping Americans Connected to the Internet
Springboard for The Arts
Personal Emergency Relief Fund
Special Edition MN Grants Directory 2020 | FREE Download
Opportunities Responding to the Impacts of COVID-19 & Disaster Relief
More Resources at MCN
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Trista Harris
"What the world desperately needs now are leaders that can predict and shape the future. Download your FREE copy of her book FutureGood.
Independent Sector
Emergency Aid for Nonprofit Organizations
The charitable sector is on the front lines of addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, but risks catastrophic damage from evaporating revenue, new demands, and major disruptions in charitable giving.
Act Now Tell Your Congress Person
Decolonizing Wealth Project,
in partnership with Native Americans in Philanthropy and the National Urban Indian Family Coalition, has launched a Rapid Response Fund to provide emergency support for the most vulnerable Native American families and communities impacted by COVID-19.
Learn more and consider supporting here today.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
COVID-19 Resource Guide
Creator Fund
MCF and Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund (MDRF)
Community Foundation for Monterey County
Grant For Nonprofits That Serve Those Impacted by COVIDE19
Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity
Bridge Loan For Small Business
Seattle Office of Economic Development
2020 OED Small Business Stabilization Fund
San Francisco Office of Economic & Workforce Development
Financial Relief Grants For Small Business
Community Foundation of Elmira/Corning
Micro Grant For Community Service Projects Benefit People
Scholastic Learn At Home
Free Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country.
Keeping Americans Connected to the Internet
Springboard for The Arts
Personal Emergency Relief Fund
Area: Mpls Teachers
Descriptions: AchieveMpls manages several grants for MPS staff and classrooms that are funded by community donations, AchieveMpls discretionary funds and MPS staff through the We Give campaign. Email : [email protected]
Ecolab Teacher Grant
Area: Saint Paul Teacher Grant
Descriptions: Through the Ecolab Foundation, grants are made to qualifying non-profit organizations in the St. Paul, MN area and U.S. Ecolab regional locations that align with our focus areas: Youth & Education, Civic & Community Development, Environment & Conservation, Arts & Culture.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention Grant Opportunity
Who: Professional Educator & Licensing & Standards Board
Due: December 18
Details: Designed to help develop teacher mentorship programs for teachers new to the profession or district, including teaching residents, teachers of color, teachers who are American Indian, teachers in license shortage areas, teachers with special needs, or experienced teachers in need of peer coaching.
H20 for Life
Who: H20 For Life
Due: December 19
Details: The mission of H2O for Life is to improve local and global communities by engaging students as change-makers for a better world. Minigrants are intended to kick-start service-learning projects focused on the global water crisis and to benefit partner schools.
Area: Mpls Teachers
Descriptions: AchieveMpls manages several grants for MPS staff and classrooms that are funded by community donations, AchieveMpls discretionary funds and MPS staff through the We Give campaign. Email : [email protected]
Ecolab Teacher Grant
Area: Saint Paul Teacher Grant
Descriptions: Through the Ecolab Foundation, grants are made to qualifying non-profit organizations in the St. Paul, MN area and U.S. Ecolab regional locations that align with our focus areas: Youth & Education, Civic & Community Development, Environment & Conservation, Arts & Culture.
Teacher Mentorship & Retention Grant Opportunity
Who: Professional Educator & Licensing & Standards Board
Due: December 18
Details: Designed to help develop teacher mentorship programs for teachers new to the profession or district, including teaching residents, teachers of color, teachers who are American Indian, teachers in license shortage areas, teachers with special needs, or experienced teachers in need of peer coaching.
H20 for Life
Who: H20 For Life
Due: December 19
Details: The mission of H2O for Life is to improve local and global communities by engaging students as change-makers for a better world. Minigrants are intended to kick-start service-learning projects focused on the global water crisis and to benefit partner schools.
Education & Youth Development Grant
Who: F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Due: January 7
Details: considers grant applications from nonprofit organizations and public entities fostering a vibrant East Metro region and seeking to achieve racially and economically equitable outcomes in the areas of arts & culture, economic & community development, education & youth development, health, housing and human services.
Teachers & Technology Program
Who: CenturyLink & Clarke M. Williams Foundation
Due: January 12
Details: The Teachers and Technology Program is designed to help fund projects that advance student success through the innovative use of technology.
Arts in the School Grant
Who: The Southwest Minnesota Arts Council
Due: January 22
Details: Grants support partnerships among artists, teachers, and the community and are designed to create and promote the arts in their communities. Grant projects may include artist residencies and field trips.
American Honda Education Grant
Who: American Honda Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: The American Honda Foundation supports education with a specific focus on the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); the environment; job training; and literacy.
Spring Conference Financial Support Grants
Who: Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Due: February 1
Details: The Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM), an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, offers Spring Conference Financial Support Grants that provide members professional development by allowing them to attend the annual conference.
Arts & Cultural Heritage Grants
Who: Prior Lakes Regional Arts Council
Due: February 1
Details: The Arts and Cultural Heritage (ACH) Grant is a matching grant program that provides funding for organizations directly engaged in the creation of art, the production of artistic performances or arts services, or the sponsorship of quality arts activities in local communities.
Community Grants to Support
Economically Disadvantaged Children & Youth
Who: Carolyn Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: Grants to organizations that support and empower economically disadvantaged children and youth in Minneapolis. The foundation seeks to support families and others to inspire, nurture, educate, and guide them to achieve long-term stability and well-being.
Legacy Grants
Who: Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Anderson Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: To improve the quality of life through effective family grant making, while honoring the legacy of its founders and investing in social change. The grant program is intended for projects and programs that reflect the spirit of the founders’ interests. Grants are made in the areas of arts and humanities, communications, education, environment, human services, and libraries.
Educational Equity Grants
Who: Graves Foundation
Due: February 15
Details: The Graves Foundation provides general operating and program support to enhance kindergarten through grade 12 schools and assist youth transitioning from foster care in Minneapolis and Hennepin County.
STEM Education & Youth Leadership Grants
Who: HB Fuller Company Foundation
Due: March 1
Details: STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education and youth leadership initiatives in St. Paul, Minnesota, where the company is headquartered, and in the following communities in which it has facilities: Grand Rapids, Michigan; Paducah, Kentucky; Aurora, Illinois; Vancouver, Washington; and greater Atlanta, Georgia.
Music Education Grants
Who: D’Addario Foundation
Deadline: March 31
Details: Awards grants and product donations to sustainable music instruction programs in order to improve access to music education
Bruce Vento Science Educator Grant
Who: Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Due: April 3
Details: Established by his colleagues, friends, and staff, the Bruce Vento Science Educator Grant supports educators who teach science as part of their day and want to acquire and share new skills and knowledge; this grant may also fund equipment or materials needed in science classrooms.
2nd Year Classroom Grants
Who: Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Due: April 3
Details: The Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning funds Second-Year Classroom Grants, which are intended for members to expand on their original objectives, and who have the potential to realize additional goals based on the learning and outcomes of their first grant.
Who: Lemelson-MIT
Deadline: April 6
Details: Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams® are high school students, educators, and mentors that receive up to $10,000 each to invent technological solutions to real-world problems of their own choosing.
Arts Education Partnership
Who: National Endowment for the Arts
Deadline: April 20
Details: The Arts Education Partnership is a national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. AEP is the nation’s hub for arts and education leaders, building their leadership capacity to support students, educators and learning environments.
Who: F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Due: January 7
Details: considers grant applications from nonprofit organizations and public entities fostering a vibrant East Metro region and seeking to achieve racially and economically equitable outcomes in the areas of arts & culture, economic & community development, education & youth development, health, housing and human services.
Teachers & Technology Program
Who: CenturyLink & Clarke M. Williams Foundation
Due: January 12
Details: The Teachers and Technology Program is designed to help fund projects that advance student success through the innovative use of technology.
Arts in the School Grant
Who: The Southwest Minnesota Arts Council
Due: January 22
Details: Grants support partnerships among artists, teachers, and the community and are designed to create and promote the arts in their communities. Grant projects may include artist residencies and field trips.
American Honda Education Grant
Who: American Honda Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: The American Honda Foundation supports education with a specific focus on the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); the environment; job training; and literacy.
Spring Conference Financial Support Grants
Who: Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Due: February 1
Details: The Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM), an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, offers Spring Conference Financial Support Grants that provide members professional development by allowing them to attend the annual conference.
Arts & Cultural Heritage Grants
Who: Prior Lakes Regional Arts Council
Due: February 1
Details: The Arts and Cultural Heritage (ACH) Grant is a matching grant program that provides funding for organizations directly engaged in the creation of art, the production of artistic performances or arts services, or the sponsorship of quality arts activities in local communities.
Community Grants to Support
Economically Disadvantaged Children & Youth
Who: Carolyn Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: Grants to organizations that support and empower economically disadvantaged children and youth in Minneapolis. The foundation seeks to support families and others to inspire, nurture, educate, and guide them to achieve long-term stability and well-being.
Legacy Grants
Who: Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Anderson Foundation
Due: February 1
Details: To improve the quality of life through effective family grant making, while honoring the legacy of its founders and investing in social change. The grant program is intended for projects and programs that reflect the spirit of the founders’ interests. Grants are made in the areas of arts and humanities, communications, education, environment, human services, and libraries.
Educational Equity Grants
Who: Graves Foundation
Due: February 15
Details: The Graves Foundation provides general operating and program support to enhance kindergarten through grade 12 schools and assist youth transitioning from foster care in Minneapolis and Hennepin County.
STEM Education & Youth Leadership Grants
Who: HB Fuller Company Foundation
Due: March 1
Details: STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education and youth leadership initiatives in St. Paul, Minnesota, where the company is headquartered, and in the following communities in which it has facilities: Grand Rapids, Michigan; Paducah, Kentucky; Aurora, Illinois; Vancouver, Washington; and greater Atlanta, Georgia.
Music Education Grants
Who: D’Addario Foundation
Deadline: March 31
Details: Awards grants and product donations to sustainable music instruction programs in order to improve access to music education
Bruce Vento Science Educator Grant
Who: Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Due: April 3
Details: Established by his colleagues, friends, and staff, the Bruce Vento Science Educator Grant supports educators who teach science as part of their day and want to acquire and share new skills and knowledge; this grant may also fund equipment or materials needed in science classrooms.
2nd Year Classroom Grants
Who: Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Due: April 3
Details: The Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning funds Second-Year Classroom Grants, which are intended for members to expand on their original objectives, and who have the potential to realize additional goals based on the learning and outcomes of their first grant.
Who: Lemelson-MIT
Deadline: April 6
Details: Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams® are high school students, educators, and mentors that receive up to $10,000 each to invent technological solutions to real-world problems of their own choosing.
Arts Education Partnership
Who: National Endowment for the Arts
Deadline: April 20
Details: The Arts Education Partnership is a national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. AEP is the nation’s hub for arts and education leaders, building their leadership capacity to support students, educators and learning environments.
Graef Family Foundation Grants
Who: Rodger & Kate Graef Family Foundation
Deadline: May 31
Details: to benefit education, the arts, social welfare and other charitable causes which promote the public interest.
Education & Youth Grants
Who: Webb Family Foundation
Deadline: June 1
Details: We seek innovative, impactful organizations aligned with our mission and values. They are data-driven and focused on achieving real outcomes.
Education Programs
Who: Goggio Family Foundation
Deadline: June 1
Details: Education Programs encourages the attainment of knowledge and skills, and the practice of responsible citizenship through access to learning opportunities. The Foundation provides support for innovative programs to develop leadership skills, provide support to at-risk and/or disenfranchised youth, and support programs that promote academic excellence, artistic expression, and critical thinking.
STEM Microgrants
Who: National Girls Collaborative Project
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Mini-grants are awarded to girl-serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) focused programs to support collaboration, address gaps and overlaps in service, and share exemplary practices.
STEM Education Outreach Grant
Who: Lockhead Martin
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is a critical focus for Lockheed Martin. We know firsthand the importance of educating our young people in these areas. Our future success – and our nation’s technological advantage – depend on a constant supply of highly trained, highly capable technical talent.
Education Grants
Who: Shell Oil Company
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Focus on energy awareness with special publics, increasing interest in technical careers among students and professional development in science and math among educators. We support K-12 programs that boost math and science skills, as well as university programs that aid engineering and geoscience students and departments.
Verizon Education Grants
Who: Verizon
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: STEM education for K-12 youth and domestic violence education and prevention for youth, women and older adults. New applications are by invitation only. Contact your local community relations manager
Who: Rodger & Kate Graef Family Foundation
Deadline: May 31
Details: to benefit education, the arts, social welfare and other charitable causes which promote the public interest.
Education & Youth Grants
Who: Webb Family Foundation
Deadline: June 1
Details: We seek innovative, impactful organizations aligned with our mission and values. They are data-driven and focused on achieving real outcomes.
Education Programs
Who: Goggio Family Foundation
Deadline: June 1
Details: Education Programs encourages the attainment of knowledge and skills, and the practice of responsible citizenship through access to learning opportunities. The Foundation provides support for innovative programs to develop leadership skills, provide support to at-risk and/or disenfranchised youth, and support programs that promote academic excellence, artistic expression, and critical thinking.
STEM Microgrants
Who: National Girls Collaborative Project
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Mini-grants are awarded to girl-serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) focused programs to support collaboration, address gaps and overlaps in service, and share exemplary practices.
STEM Education Outreach Grant
Who: Lockhead Martin
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is a critical focus for Lockheed Martin. We know firsthand the importance of educating our young people in these areas. Our future success – and our nation’s technological advantage – depend on a constant supply of highly trained, highly capable technical talent.
Education Grants
Who: Shell Oil Company
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: Focus on energy awareness with special publics, increasing interest in technical careers among students and professional development in science and math among educators. We support K-12 programs that boost math and science skills, as well as university programs that aid engineering and geoscience students and departments.
Verizon Education Grants
Who: Verizon
Deadline: Ongoing
Details: STEM education for K-12 youth and domestic violence education and prevention for youth, women and older adults. New applications are by invitation only. Contact your local community relations manager
Google Ad Grants
Who: Google
Details: Imagine what you could do with $10,000 USD of in-kind advertising every month from Google Ads, an online advertising solution from Google. You could recruit more volunteers. Attract more donations. And share your story with audiences all over the globe.
Who: Google
Details: Imagine what you could do with $10,000 USD of in-kind advertising every month from Google Ads, an online advertising solution from Google. You could recruit more volunteers. Attract more donations. And share your story with audiences all over the globe.
Building Community Capacity Grants
Who: St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Due: January 7
Details: Building Community Capacity grants fund programs, capital projects and transitional operating needs in the East Metro area — Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties. We consider grant applications from organizations located or serving individuals in the East Metro.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota
Who: Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
Due: January 7
Type: Event, Resource & Grant
Details: Advancing opportunities with young women in Minnesota.
MN Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants
Who: MN Historical Society
Due: January 10
Details: The Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants program —also known as Legacy Grants — is a competitive process created to provide financial support for projects focused on preserving Minnesota’s history and culture.
Fund of the Sacred Circle
Who: Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Open: January 2020
Details: The Fund of the Sacred Circle has supported Minnesota- and Wisconsin-based American Indian organizations that address systemic injustices.
Travelers Culturally Enriched Communities Grant
Who: Travelers
Due: February 7
Details: The arts help to create vibrant communities where residents have a deep understanding of one another and the varied traditions that make our lives richer. Travelers believes arts and culture not only enrich lives by enhancing learning and building multicultural understanding, but also help in sparking important dialogue about diversity and inclusion.
Travelers Academic & Career Success Grant
Who: Travelers
Due: April 3
Details: A successful future starts in the classroom. But many people struggle to get the education they need to compete for quality jobs and to lead a fulfilling life. Our giving focuses on helping to provide a foundation for individual success and on building a skilled workforce for our industry and our communities.
Who: St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Due: January 7
Details: Building Community Capacity grants fund programs, capital projects and transitional operating needs in the East Metro area — Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties. We consider grant applications from organizations located or serving individuals in the East Metro.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota
Who: Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
Due: January 7
Type: Event, Resource & Grant
Details: Advancing opportunities with young women in Minnesota.
MN Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants
Who: MN Historical Society
Due: January 10
Details: The Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants program —also known as Legacy Grants — is a competitive process created to provide financial support for projects focused on preserving Minnesota’s history and culture.
Fund of the Sacred Circle
Who: Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Open: January 2020
Details: The Fund of the Sacred Circle has supported Minnesota- and Wisconsin-based American Indian organizations that address systemic injustices.
Travelers Culturally Enriched Communities Grant
Who: Travelers
Due: February 7
Details: The arts help to create vibrant communities where residents have a deep understanding of one another and the varied traditions that make our lives richer. Travelers believes arts and culture not only enrich lives by enhancing learning and building multicultural understanding, but also help in sparking important dialogue about diversity and inclusion.
Travelers Academic & Career Success Grant
Who: Travelers
Due: April 3
Details: A successful future starts in the classroom. But many people struggle to get the education they need to compete for quality jobs and to lead a fulfilling life. Our giving focuses on helping to provide a foundation for individual success and on building a skilled workforce for our industry and our communities.
Board Boot Camp
Who: Propel Nonprofits
When: May 12
Type: Event, Resource
Details: Board members will participate in board meetings and other engagements with more confidence and more knowledge about your role after attending Board Boot Camp.
2020 Minnesota Grants Directory
Who: MN Council of Nonprofits
Type: Resource
Details: The 2020 Minnesota Grants Directory is designed to help grantseekers by providing an overview of the state's most active foundations and giving programs. The directory includes basic information on over 100 community foundations, corporate giving programs and private foundations.
Type: Event, Resource
Details: GrantAdvisor is a safe way to anonymously give and receive feedback on grantmaking. Nowhere else can grantseekers find public advice from peers on what it really takes to secure grant funding or where foundations can get free, honest feedback.
CFRE Webinars
Who: Association of Fundraising Professionals MN
Type: Event, Resource
Details: AFP Webinars are an easy, affordable way to learn from the best presenters in our field (and earn CEUs toward your CFRE)! Each webinar is worth 1 continuing education unit (CEU).
Nonprofit Startup Assessment Tool
Who: Grantspace by Candid
Type: Event, Resource
Details: Assess your readiness to start a nonprofit, and access resources to build your skills and knowledge as a founder.
Who: Propel Nonprofits
When: May 12
Type: Event, Resource
Details: Board members will participate in board meetings and other engagements with more confidence and more knowledge about your role after attending Board Boot Camp.
2020 Minnesota Grants Directory
Who: MN Council of Nonprofits
Type: Resource
Details: The 2020 Minnesota Grants Directory is designed to help grantseekers by providing an overview of the state's most active foundations and giving programs. The directory includes basic information on over 100 community foundations, corporate giving programs and private foundations.
Type: Event, Resource
Details: GrantAdvisor is a safe way to anonymously give and receive feedback on grantmaking. Nowhere else can grantseekers find public advice from peers on what it really takes to secure grant funding or where foundations can get free, honest feedback.
CFRE Webinars
Who: Association of Fundraising Professionals MN
Type: Event, Resource
Details: AFP Webinars are an easy, affordable way to learn from the best presenters in our field (and earn CEUs toward your CFRE)! Each webinar is worth 1 continuing education unit (CEU).
Nonprofit Startup Assessment Tool
Who: Grantspace by Candid
Type: Event, Resource
Details: Assess your readiness to start a nonprofit, and access resources to build your skills and knowledge as a founder.