Welcome my name is Jonathan and I am an experienced educational leader, educational consultant, workshop facilitator, instructional coach and entrepreneur focused on good. I decided it was time to create a blog to document and share my continued exploration of education, business, philanthropy and the points they intersect now and in the future. In short I am passionate about doing good to address disparities across the fields of education, business and philanthropy. #edupreneur4good According to Dictionary.com
ed·u·ca·tor /ˈejəˌkādər/ A person who provides instruction or education; a teacher. en·tre·pre·neur/ˌäntrəprəˈnər/ A person who organizes and operates a business. phi·lan·thro·pist /fəˈlanTHrəpəst/ A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. |