Today I had the opportunity to attend AFP MN Chapter - IDEA Breakfast Series. The topic was Inclusive Fundraising Teams and was Facilitated by Trista Harris, President at FutureGood. Here are some "gems" that the panel shared that I think are also very applicable to the education sector as well: * Create value early with POCI as the enter the field * Move toward implementing ideas to address ideas that address issues of inequity. * Put more into staff by providing more meaningful trainings * Change job description, do not require college degree. * Stop "Loving the Problem" * When POCI show up & provide honest feedback about equity, be gracious & receptive. This Report was mentioned during the session as well. Race To Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap Panel Members: Mikisha Nation, Executive Director, Teach for America, Twin Cities Mala Thao, Philanthropic Advisor, St. Paul Foundation & Minneapolis Foundation Lana Barkawi, Executive Director, MIZNA |