"If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don't...For out in the world you find, Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind..."
- Walter D. Wintle
Jonathan C. W. Jones
Dayonna Knutson
#jcwjones74 | #meamn15 | #edmn2209
To provide TIME for educators to learn grant writing basics, actual working time to write grant ideas, share with peers, acquire feedback and revise their grant narratives for spring submissions to grant opportunities provide by Education Minnesota Foundation.
This workshop has been aligned with ISTE Standards for Teachers - 3B, 4D, 5A & 5B.
This workshop has been aligned with ISTE Standards for Teachers - 3B, 4D, 5A & 5B.
What is the correlation between writing a grant and being an inventor? |
What is the Classroom & Classroom Technology Grant? |
Writing Session 1Write:Time to use the Template to write out grant narratives. Breath
Peer ReviewShare: Time to share grant narratives in small groups.
Review: What sections were clear & what sections could be revised? |
Writing Session 2Write: Time to revise narratives with suggestions provided by their peers.
Breath |
Jonathan C. W. Jones
Dayonna Knutson